about us



MKM was established in 1977 by Doug Schulz to fulfill the local industry machining needs. Starting with a 4,000 sq. ft building McPherson with 1 other employee. Currently, we are in 16,000 sq. ft. located on 6 acres of land. We have expanded our equipment to 75 work centers and have expertise in every facet of machining to plating.

Mid Kansas Machines About

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MKM is structured with intent of being flexible and experts in all aspects of machining. Our staff can operate several different types of machinery, which gives us opportunity change setups and personnel on work centers quickly. This allows MKM to be very competitive on quality, product delivery, and customization.


The management of Mid Kansas Machine Inc. is cognizant of the necessity of maintaining the ultimate in reliability of its products. MKM therefore, assigns the responsibility for the quality and reliability of the company products to each level of line management.

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